About Us
The Society of Sculptors was established in 1935 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and presented its first exhibition in that year. “S.O.S”, as it is commonly referred to, is one of the oldest artist-run organizations specifically promoting sculpture both regionally and nationally.
Our Mission
The Society of Sculptors is a collaborative artistic community of sculptors promoting high standards and opportunities for all sculptural art forms, while increasing public awareness and visibility of the organization and its individual members through exhibitions, partnerships, and events.
The objectives of S.O.S are to:
The objectives of S.O.S are to:
- Bring together sculptors and individuals who appreciate sculpture.
- Foster an appreciation of sculpture in all its forms.
- Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas on sculpture through educational programs and workshops.
- Promote civic and community appreciation of sculpture and advocate for sculpture in public places.
- Create opportunities for members to exhibit and market their works.
Links to Related Organizations
Associated Artists of Pittsburgh: http://www.aapgh.org
Craftsmen’s Guild of Pittsburgh: http://www.craftsmensguild.org
Fiberarts Guild of Pittsburgh: http://www.fiberartspgh.org
Pittsburgh Print Group: http://www.pittsburghprintgroup.com
Pittsburgh Society of Artists: http://www.pittsburghsocietyofartists.org
Pittsburgh Watercolor Society: http://www.pittsburghwatercolorsociety.com
Women of Visions, Inc.: http://www.womenofvisions.org
Craftsmen’s Guild of Pittsburgh: http://www.craftsmensguild.org
Fiberarts Guild of Pittsburgh: http://www.fiberartspgh.org
Pittsburgh Print Group: http://www.pittsburghprintgroup.com
Pittsburgh Society of Artists: http://www.pittsburghsocietyofartists.org
Pittsburgh Watercolor Society: http://www.pittsburghwatercolorsociety.com
Women of Visions, Inc.: http://www.womenofvisions.org